Only 77 More Days Until Christmas!
Remember Holiday season back when you were a kid? Back when your folks piled everyone into the family car just to drive around and look at all the Christmas decorations? Do you remember how much fun that was? It was good, clean, cheap family entertainment where, in our family at least, for the duration of the ride the siblings didn’t fight with each other. And there always seemed to be hot chocolate, peppermint sticks and baked apples with cinnamon at the end of those rides. That time was in the 50’s and 60’s for me and we lived in Detroit, so my folks would haul us around several different nights just to see our neighbors’ handiwork. God I loved those times!
Every year, Linda and I still make the drive locally just to keep the tradition alive, but we are always disappointed by how few and far between decorated homes are. And it makes me sad to know that today’s children are missing out on such a great experience. So I decided to do something about it.
Starting last Christmas, the Township of Concord established the “Light Up Concord” Outdoor Decorating Contest, to put a little more “Zip” into our Holiday “Do Dah”!! We will have 3 primary CASH PRIZES, which have been 100% funded by a grant from the Jackson Community Foundation. Additional prizes have been provided by our local business sponsors who will be listed at the bottom of this post. The contest is open to anyone WITHIN THE BOUNDARIES OF CONCORD TOWNSHIP (including the Village); residences, Businesses, Churches…everyone! We will empanel an impartial judging staff who will review each entrant and render a decision, which of course, will be final. All registered entrants will be included in a second round of prizes provided by area businesses. All prizes will be awarded at the Concord Branch f the Jackson District Library’s Holiday Open House, on December 13th, 2019 beginning at 7:00 PM. Registered entrants will be kept informed via email.
The process is simple – just print the flyer in this post, fill out the registration form at the bottom of it, grab a $5.00 bill and drop it all off at the Township office sometime before 4:00 PM, December 9th, 2019. Then decorate your house (outside) to the best of your ability. Your decorations do not need to be expensive, lavish, extensive or complicated, everyone who enters will be considered. BUT YOU MUST ENTER TO WIN! I will post periodic updates via email blast, on this page and in other advertising venues, so stay tuned!
This is a step towards helping Concord become a more friendly and fraternal community, and it is an effort to reintroduce an old and wholesome Holiday tradition which will encourage time with family and provide pleasant memories for our children in years to come. It will cost us little beyond our time but will pay many dividends far into our futures. All you need to do is decide you want to get involved.