Good Morning, Concord!
Happy April Fools’ Day!!!
Due to the important nature of the content of my last email “news” letter, I wanted to get it out while it was still hot, so to speak. When one gets in a hurry, one misses things. So this “news” letter is going out to compensate for that and to bring everyone the rest of the way up to date.
Good News, Bad News ~
Things change, times change, people change. Not necessarily in that order. It would be safe to say that over the last few weeks our lives have changed – rather drastically – and in many ways, not for the better. As a result of those changes, I have made a new decision: I am going to run again to continue serving as your Supervisor. There are many reasons for this, those who care already know what they are. If you don’t and want to, just ask.
Now the decision is yours:
If you like what I’ve done and am doing, then please vote for me. If not, then by all means vote for someone else. Whatever you do – VOTE!
APRIL 24TH, 2020
That is the date that all Candidate registration packets MUST be turned in to our Clerk (Sheryll Dishaw) at the Township Office. If you plan on running for office (and it is my hope that many of you will) your time is running out! You must get your packets and get them completed and returned by April 24th. No exceptions. And remember: the most critical failing of a constitutional republic is an uncontested seat. There’s no excuse for that…
‘Till Next Time