Savory Summer Stuff
Those of us fortunate enough to reside in the budding little metropolis of Concord have much to be grateful for. Most important (in my mind, anyhow) is the many fresh fruit and vegetable merchants offering produce grown right here in the good earth of Concord Township! Most of them are open for the season and the rest will be soon, so take advantage of our locally sourced excellence and get out and patronize your friends and neighbors businesses and contribute to OUR local economy!
Look, folks, you can’t possibly buy fresher, better quality food anywhere. The tomatoes, sweet corn, onions and peppers from Blossom Farms and the Shaded Wagon are the best on the planet. Bar none. I defy you to prove me wrong! And the fresh Honeycrisp apples and the cider at Jasinowski’s Sweet Seasons are incomparable. If you haven’t tried them, your life is measurably poorer, trust me. Even though he’s not exactly a produce guy, I need to put in a plug for Steve Sinden’s Concord Meats & Sweets. His thick cut bacon is spectacular! Just ask Walt Ammerman or Tom Norris.
Which brings me to my finale’: Take a ride around this weekend and get yourself some nice Concord tomatoes, lettuce, onions and sweet corn; buy some bacon from Meats & Sweets, grab a gallon of cider from Sweet Seasons and treat your family to my families’ favorite summer meal – Bacon, Lettuce & Tomato sandwiches (with onion), grilled sweet corn and wash it all down with a slug of cider. That’s about as close to food paradise as you’re ever going to get. And it’s healthy!
While we’re on the subject I know we have many great merchants here in Concord, but I don’t know all of them. If you have a favorite, please drop me an email to: [email protected] and let me know who they are, where they are located and what their best product is. Let’s let everyone know about the gems in our midst!