Supervisor Saenz Blog #2
As I got cold sweats thinking about writing again, I sat outside on my deck and gave myself a “pep talk” to just start typing. 😊 Here we are, Blog #2 and at least I am trying to figure out what to “talk” about first. Wow, so many different happenings in the Concord Township that I have to make a choice. Whoa, does that make writing that much easier! I decided to discuss the old vs the new, which changed to instead of “vs”, more about how the old and the new are having to combine to come up with a plan that works for both sides. It is interesting because I personally see this in the Concord Township office and with many long-time residents and 10 new house-builds bringing new residents. Multi groups are now having to come together and not be a “vs”, but a working together for the betterment of Concord Township group.
The Michigan Township Association, for which Concord Township is a member of, has a Top Ten List for Township Government. If you start with 1-3, you can get an idea the direction we should intend when talking about the above statement.
- Meeting Local Needs
Here comes the return of Light-Up Concord for the Holiday Season. Check out last year’s photos and put together a plan to show your Holiday Spirit. The Light-Up Concord Committee has been busy working on their plans for the 2023 Holiday Season. From the lighting of the tree on November 24th to the Awards on December 15th, join us with LIGHTS ON CONCORD
- Led by Public Servants
Keep an eye out for the new Electronic Sign to be put in place with a clear view for easy access to Concord Township news and information. Don’t have good enough internet service to stay in the know, then we aim to serve you by making that Light-Up Information right there for you. This will really be a LIGHTS ON CONCORD
- Service with a Smile
I truly hope that all these lights on in Concord Township shows us with a smile to our service AND OUR COMMUNITY. Not enough smiles are “on” our office faces and if you have an idea and can’t make a meeting, catch me while drinking coffee, because I will definitely have a smile on my face to listen. 😊