Bruce Report!
As many of you know, Bruce Lowstutter, a member of our Planning Committee and frequent contributor to many of our Boards and Committees recently suffered a stroke. He has undergone intensive treatment and is currently in rehab at RidgeCrest in Jackson. I’ve been getting periodic updates on his condition and went up to see him a little more than a week ago. I was very pleasantly surprised to see how much he is progressing and the advanced level of recovery he’s achieved!
He was articulate, lucid and positively chipper (who wouldn’t be with a dedicated wife like Jamie!) and expects to make an eventual full recovery! Right now he is concentrating on re-learning all the skills one loses with such an experience and sends his thanks to the community for their support and many kindnesses.
If you know the Lowstutters, please keep them in your thoughts and prayers and please keep the cards, emails and calls coming! Nothing aids recovery like the love and support of friends!