Finished! At Long Last!! Concord Township Code of Ordinances
Yes, Folks, after just over 3 years of concentrated effort by many people in our community we FINALLY! have a fully searchable, up-to-the-minute, professional Code of Ordinances available for anyone who needs to know what the laws are here in Concord Township!
Anyone who has an interest or a need can access this document any way that is convenient:
Access it on our website at: Concord Township Code of Ordinances
Access it in Hardcopy at our office: 121 Grove St. Concord, MI. 49237
Email me at: [email protected] and I’ll email you a link to it.
Once you open the document you will find a “Search” box on the upper left hand side of the home page. Just type in whatever you are looking for and it – and everything related to it – will appear in menu form! Just choose the item and click on it to access our ordinances on the subject. You can also use the Index and Menu features to do your search.
The best part of having this document in digital format is the fact that any time we update, change, eliminate or write a new ordinance, we can upload it and incorporate it into the document with just a few clicks!
Go ahead and give it a try – it costs you nothing – and spread it around to everyone you know!